Goodness helps others people see God's love in tangible ways. We value good works towards others as a way of expressing love, grace and truth.
There is no limit to where goodness comes alive. If you are there, goodness can be expressed and experienced. Our homes, workplaces, neighborhoods and public spaces all invite expressions of goodness.
There is no limit to where goodness comes alive. If you are there, goodness can be expressed and experienced. Our homes, workplaces, neighborhoods and public spaces all invite expressions of goodness.
"We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is a global God!"
~John Stott~
"The best coffee in town! It's awesome!"
- John Evans
"It's my absolute favorite place to go!"
- Greg Smith

Shaping Global Churches
The Timothy Initiative’s vision is to see multiplying, disciple making churches in every place and people group. Through TTI’s training, local leaders equip Christians with the necessary tools, resources, and strategies to reach their nations for Christ. These churches meet in homes, on mountaintops, under trees, and in river beds. TTI doesn't focus on building structures, so the global work is sustainable, reproducible, and cost-effective.

Honduras Ministry
For over twenty years, Cornerstone Crystal has partnered with local Christians in San Pedro Sula Honduras and surrounding villages to support the community and expand Gospel movement through education development, food programs, church support, literacy and anti-human trafficking efforts.

Supporting Immigrant Neighbors
The United States is home to the third-largest number of unreached people groups in the world, behind only India and China. The world is at our doorstep. From Scattered to Gathered (FS2G) engages the least-reached communities.
FS2G works towards shaping a gospel movement among the least-reached peoples who now reside in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota.
FS2G works towards shaping a gospel movement among the least-reached peoples who now reside in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota.