
Meet the Team



Lead Pastor
Thanks for connecting. I hope to meet you soon. My life wasn't always the easiest. Some of those troubles life threw my way. Other troubles, I totally sought out. Just before high school graduation Jesus rescued me from a world of hurt, disappointment and destruction. Today, I am married to Corrie. We have six kids ranging from 24 to 9! I love basketball; find peace outdoors; liked superheroes before they were socially cool; and constantly look for the next adventure. Let's connect! I'd love to share more about how Jesus changed my life.


Associate Pastor
Hello! I am grateful for this moment to connect with you (digitally).
From an early age, God saw my heart for serving other, my understanding of systems and love for the  local church which has lead me to a life of ministry!
Coming from a large family (11 siblings), I enjoy meeting people, sharing meals and hearing stories. I am happily married to Paulifred (Pauli) and together we enjoy hosting game nights and meals at our home in Crystal and trying news around the cities.
I'd love to connect and hear how God is moving in your life!
*Use the star below to schedule a time to meet*



Worship Director
I don’t remember a time when I didn’t know who Jesus was. Raised as a pastor’s kid, I grew up in several states but became a Minnesotan when I moved to St. Paul to attend Bethel University.  I met my husband Nate there and together we’re raising five daughters, two dogs and three chickens at our home in Anoka.  The older I get, the more I realize how much there is to learn, so if I’m not leading worship or making dinner, you’ll find me reading about how to love people the way Jesus loves me. I’d love to get to know you and hear more about your story – maybe over a good cup of coffee or a 1,000 piece puzzle.

John Dougan

Student Ministry Director
I have always had a passion for building up the next generation and coming alongside youth as they learn and grow.  I believe in a relational God who has a great sense of humor. He never leaves my side as I walk through life and has always been with me through the unknown. 
I am a born and raised Minnesotan and love spending my time outdoors. I enjoy disc golf, volleyball, and kayaking; basically, any activity that gets me moving. I married my best friend, Kate. Together we savor quiet walks, casual board games, and evenings spent with family and friends.
Everyone's story matters. Wherever you are on your journey, we all need community. From casual board games to deep talks to enjoying a good meal together, I would love to get to know you more.

Karla Lopez

Communications Director
I was born in Mexico City and came to Minnesota at the age of five.  It was not easy adapting to a new culture, learning English as well as facing all of the challenges that come with being an immigrant family. In my teen years, I struggled with depression so severely that I tried to take my life twice.  My plan was that my 18th Birthday would be my third and final attempt, but God had different plans for me.

A month before my 18th Birthday Jesus came into my life and filled me with his love. He filled up the emptiness within me, restored my life, and gave me a future. Since then I have known that I am in this world for a purpose, to serve God. I am grateful for every blessing. I love to sing, dance, to create art through my designs and enjoy life to the fullest with my two kids.

His love has the power to change lives. I want others to know his kindness, compassion, and generosity to know that they can experience it too! I am passionate about knowing people and would love to connect with you.
Children's Ministry Interim Directors
Valerie Bechtold
Interim Early Childhood Director (Birth to Pre-K)
Corrie Batcher
Interim Elementry Director (1st - 5th Grade)


Cornerstone's Board is a key part of our leadership structure. The Board provides guidance, oversight and support for the staff as they work together to pursue God's direction for our church.