Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

The Mission

The mission of Cornerstone Church Crystal is the same mission Jesus gave his followers:
love God, love people, make disciples and witness to Jesus's work in the world.
We summarize that statement saying, "We connect people to Christ and His community!" 

The Vision

Vision explains what life would look like as Cornerstone Crystal lives out the mission of Jesus.  For us, this would be a community of faith where the full life Jesus promised is experienced and expressed together.  We live into those promises by living 6G!

Connecting People to Christ and His Community!

Intentional Discipleship

Discipleship does not happen by accident. We believe the ways of Jesus are learned and lived through intentional engagement with God's word in relationship with others. We provide opportunities, both online and in person to center around God's word and learn together how to experience the life Jesus invites each of us into.


Reconciliation represents the uncommon way of Jesus to the world. The Bible tells us very clearly that every Christian has been given a ministry of reconciliation . This reconciliation begins by being reconciled to God (2 Corinthians 5:11-21) and continues through being reconciled each to one another (Ephesians 2:14-18). 

Missional Multiplication

One church cannot reach all people. Looking for God's move in our community, we seek out opportunities to start and support new gatherings of Jesus-followers (churches) who feel called to specific areas of ministry, neighborhoods or people in our community.