For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45


Every single one of us have gifts, talents, experiences and passions that are waiting to bless others.  Here at Cornerstone, we have a culture of service: both in our church and our community. This means we use our gifts to move ministry forward. Our ministries are listed below with many opportunities to serve. Browse through each one, read more to find an area you would like to volunteer in, and sign up below. We look forward to serving with you!
Click on the one you're most interested in!


Our WEEKEND TEAM is the MVP of Sunday gatherings. They are the first point of contact for people coming to church and help provide a warm, inviting environment for all attendee with a focus on our guests each Sunday morning and at other events. We ask you minimally commit to serving one service per month, but you can serve as often as you'd like!  


If you enjoy saying hello and being a friendly face, Greeter is an opportunity for you! Greeters are the first point of contact for people coming to church. Greet attendees with a warm smile, air high five, or handshake with an outgoing personalilty, and welcoming attitude. Open to all ages.


Ushers are the second point of contact for people coming to church and are stationed in various parts of the sanctuary. They help with a variety of things including welcoming and helping people find seats and answering questions. Ushers should have a warm, welcoming presence and be ready to assist at a moment’s notice.


Connectors are the bridge builders and help others understand how important they are to the community through making intentional connections with our guests. Connector(s) are should roam throughout the Gathering Place specifically focused on connecting to our guests and new comers.


Safety team

Coffee corner host

Do you love people, coffee/tea and serving? 
The Cafe might be the place for you! You'll help with a variety of coffee related things like brewing, serving, set-up and clean-up. Most importantly you get to connect with people of all ages over some of the best donuts in Crystal.

Welcome center host

Medical Team

Our PRODUCTION & TECH TEAM gets in on all the behind-the-scenes fun that brings to life our worship gatherings and other events. This is a vital part of our gathering experiences and a really great way to get plugged into to Cornerstone. Little to know experience needed and training provided for all positions.


If your heart rate runs low and you're not easily startled or distracted, we have the position for you! Running the camera for our services involves smoothly panning the camera from left to right, following a speaker or musician. It’s a pretty easy gig if you can stay focused on your subject!


This volunteer position involves running the slides/videos for the Sunday gathering. If you are very comfortable with tech and running that tech for a live event, this spot’s for you!


Whether it is playing an instrument or singing a song, on the worship team you can lead people into the presence of God. If you have a passion for music and are gifted in a specific area, we would love to have you join this team.


Sound Operator

Contrary to popular belief, you can’t just turn on a sound system and hope it works right. Sound operators work magic to make our ears hear sound the way it was meant to be!


Worship support

Our YOUTH TEAM gets in on all the action and fun that brings to life our Student Ministry gatherings and other events. This is an amazing space to laugh, build deep relationships and have a lasting impact on our students. (6th - 12th Grade). Needs vary throughout the year, so we’d love to get to know you and find the right spot for you!


Serve in YOUTH on Wednesday nights during the school year, or for events and activities. Not only can you share your gifts, but you will also learn from them and have fun in the process! 


Serve in YOUTH on Sunday mornings as much as you would like! Not only can you share your gifts, but you will also learn from them and have fun in the process! 


This team of people are our go to for extra help with special events, transportation, set up, take down, etc. They have a heart for youth but can't dedicate to a weekly schedule but want to help where they can.
Our kids  have a special place in our hearts. Serve in Kidventure for the Sunday gatherings or Wednesday nights (during the school year). There are lots of ways to get involved that use lots of different gifts! You can work directly with kids, making a big impact on the discipleship within our elementary or early childhood classroom teams. You could bring the Bible to life by storytelling in creative ways. You could welcome new and visiting families at our kiosk. And MORE! 
The PRAYER & CARE TEAM has the unique privilege to walk alongside people in both the beautiful and hard sessions of life. Tangibly extending the love of Jesus in a variety of ways.


Be the hands, feet, and face of Jesus to folks looking for prayer on Sundays. Prayer Team members are available after the service to bring the loving, healing Presence of Jesus to others in their places of pain, uncertainty, and sorrow, as well as those times that call for blessing of new beginnings and celebration of joy.  

Stephen Minister

Stephen Ministers are church members trained to provide one-to-one care to those experiencing a difficult time in life: such as grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, or relocation. Stephen Ministers come from all walks of life, but they all share a passion for bringing Christ’s love and care to people during a time of need.


Be the loving and caring presence  to those who are shut-in or are recovering from surgery or a long-term illness. These visits might be in the hospital or in someone's home. 


Do you enjoy cooking for others? We are looking for individuals to prepare and drop off a meal to people in our church family who are going through a difficult season.
Groups isn’t about being perfect; it’s about serving others by giving them a place to connect. We grow best in Groups where we can know and be known; pray for and be prayed for; encourage and be encouraged! Help others take next steps with God and each other.


rooted group FACILITATOR

God created us for relationships. As Christians, we need each other. Lifegroups provide opportunites for us to grow in Christ, connect to community, serve others, and experience life together.  We strive to continuously grow in our relationship with Christ through prayer, studying His word, fellowship, and service. Hosts/leaders create an environment where connections are made, seeds of faith are planted and watered, and we become stronger disciples for Christ.
Rooted is a 10-week small group experience designed to connect you to God, the church, and your purpose. Rooted Facilitator get a front row seat to something remarkable – God transforming lives.

Affinity group leader

Affinity groups are interest-based groups intended to help people start to build relationships with each other in a gospel centered way.  These groups are meant to be a stepping-stone toward building biblical community. Affinity groups run seasonally for approximately 8-10 weeks (June - August) and are designed to be fun, interactive and a great place to get to know others!
Hosts/leaders create an environment where connections are made easily and authentically.
Our Adult Ministry creates environments where adults can connect to God and to others through events, groups, and serving opportunities. We believe that life is done well with others and Men's, Women's, and Senior's Ministry are amazing places to seve!



Lead, inspire, and equip men to know the Word, teach it, and faithfully follow Christ as husbands, fathers, and friends. This team will work together to plan events, bible studies, etc.
Welcome and embrace women for who they are and wherever they are in life. Through Women's Ministry we want to encourage women in their walk with Christ, study God's word, and make Cornerstone connections through bible studies, events, and more.

Young & Emerging  adults  team

Support, encouragement, & community. Through Young Adult Ministry we want to empower people (18-29) in their faith and relationships both with God and others. This team helps plan and host events, studies, and service projects. This ministry consists of three groups: College, Singles/Dating Couples, and Marrieds

Senior Ministry Team

The Senior Adult Ministry team helps foster deep relationship and community for those who are 55+.  If you are interested in outreach, fun events, spiritual growth and service with other seniors, consider joining the team. 
Behind-the-scenes tasks are a key element of every ministry at Cornerstone. Volunteer opportunities include project organization, materials assembly, filing, photocopying, registration help, fill-in reception coverage, occasional data entry, and more. Special one-off projects, as well as regular weekly or monthly assistance opportunities. Volunteers help create inviting environments for ministries to operate without distractions.
Building Maintenance
Social Media Engagement
Missions Team Member
Special Event Staging
Office Support