Starting the Year Together!

Theme: "The Best of Us"
Plan the Time: Block off 2 hours to connect. If you have kids, don't forget about Cornerstone's Kidventure Movie Night to help out with childcare!
Conversation Starter:
  • What’s one of your favorite memories with me this past year?
  • What’s one thing I did this year that made you feel loved?
  • What’s something we accomplished together as a couple in 2024?
Fun Activities:
  • Go to dinner and order something new (for the other person)!
  • Write down three positive hopes you have for the next year share them.
  • Plan an achievable get-a-way six to eight months from now--Book it by the end of the month (if you are able)!
  • Affirmation Exchange:
    • Each spouse writes down 3 things they appreciate about their partner and shares them.
    • Use “I feel loved when you…” statements for added impact.
Make the Most of Our Time (Colossians 4:5b):
Purpose: Help couples intentionally plan for their marriage and personal growth in 2025.

Step 1: Dream Together
  • Prompt Discussion: Each couple reflects on these prompts together:
    1. What are 2-3 things we’d like to achieve together this year?
    2. What are some areas in our marriage where we can grow (e.g., communication, intimacy, prayer, fun)?
    3. How can we prioritize spending time together as a couple?
  • Make a "Dream Sheet" to jot down any goals, dreams, and priorities.

Step 2: Build a Plan
  • Interactive Goal-Setting: Couples choose one of your goals, dreams or priorities and draft a plan to focus on and create specific, actionable goals using the SMART method (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound). Click here for more on SMART Goals as a Couple
  • Marriage Theme for 2025: Encourage couples to choose a “word of the year” or theme (e.g., “Grace,” “Teamwork,” “Adventure”) for their marriage.

Final Activity:
  • Create a "couple’s time capsule" with the following:
    • Your written goals and dreams for the year.
    • A photo from the evening.
    • An encouraging note to open together on New Year's Eve 2025.

Before you end the night, pray about this together!